I don’t know how you guys do it

This is for all the single mums, single dads, wives, husbands and partners of FIFO/DIDO workers and those in the defence force. I honestly don’t know how you do this all the time. And by this, I mean look at a small child or god forbid children.

Tristan went away a couple of weeks ago for uni and to tell you I struggled to be by myself would be an understatement. I had no one to talk to at night, no one to hand the baby off to so I could have a shower. No one to laugh with me as Ruby shoved her hand so far down her throat she gagged but then did it again. Being by yourself with a small human is exhausting. This is by no means a pity party. I’m not saying feel sorry for me because I was alone. This is just a sudden realisation I’ve had after experiencing it. Don’t at me.

I know some people would say that they don’t have a choice and financially it’s the only feasible option for them but man you people are crazy amazing. I cannot imagine Tristan going away for more than a week at a time. I know I probably sound like an idiot but I am honestly so amazed by the men and women that do this all the time and don’t even bat an eyelid.

Take those that are in the defence force for example. They can be overseas when their baby is born. They miss it completely! And then sometimes they don’t even get to see the baby until it’s 6 months old. I just can’t even. How do the mums do it? They must have hella good support at home. Or maybe they’re just superheroes? I dunno man but ya’ll need some sort of medal.

I praise you all.

I had a discussion with a good friend of mine the other day and her partner is in the Army. They had been posted to Darwin when she had her first baby, while her family was back here in Townsville. I just can’t imagine that. Being in a completely different state without my family around me, caring for this tiny human. Again. Superhero right? And yet she just kind of shrugged it off like it was nothing. That kind of stuff takes some massive lady balls. I just don’t think I have them.

So I guess what I’m saying is that these people need more acknowledgement. I see you. I see what you’re doing. You are amazing.

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