Who Am I?

Well…. time seems to have passed quicker than I would have liked. My kid is 5 months old. How the heck did that even happen? Like, what even is 2020? I’m convinced we’re all in a simulation and whoever is controlling it is just sitting there laughing at us. Ahhh 2020, you’re almost over. But you know what that means? It’s time for me to go back to school/work. But there’s one thing I’ve really been struggling with recently that I’m sure is only going to become more confusing once we go back. Who I am now. I’ve had a kid but is that all I am now? A mum?

For those that don’t know me; I am a teacher. And before I had Ruby, I was a teacher that would stick my finger in every pie and get involved in EVERYTHING. I lived for the students at my school and I would make sure that I was there to help out if anyone needed anything. School production? Yeah I’ll happily do hair and makeup. School formal? Yes! I am sooooo happy to make invitations, decorations, table settings, menus in my spare time. School netball team? YEAH MAN! PUT MY NAME DOWN. HERE IF YOU NEED! My school is a massive part of my life and I lived for all these extra curricular activities.

School wasn’t my only past time though. I play netball and have since I was 7, so going down to the courts on a Tuesday/Wednesday night was just part of my routine. I played, I coached and I often got warnings on the court. BUT I loved it. It was who I was. Netball is love. Netball is life.

So, super keen teacher and netball player? Tick. Another aspect of my identity was wife. Tristan and I got together in January 2015, engaged December 2015, married December 2016 and moved to Townsville in January 2017 (well I did, he stayed home to pack up the house and dog to move up in March). Since day dot, we were together pretty much all the time. A package deal. Now we have 2 dogs, a house and now a baby. A lot can happen in 5 years.

But why am I going through all of this? Because I am honestly at a loss when it comes to what/who I am now. What am I going to be when I go back to school? Am I just going to be that teacher that’s come back from leave? Am I just a mum now? Like what am I? Who am I? After years of knowing who I was and having other people know who I was, it’s going to weird trying to find my feet again. I feel like a kid going to a new school or something. I spose it’s something that may come naturally, eventually, but until then I live in hope that I don’t become some lame mum-type. I’m not a regular mum – I’m a cool mum.

Watch this space – I’ll let you know in the new year what happens. But for now, check out this cute picture of my kid. I die.

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