I plead guilty your Honour

Isn’t it funny how despite knowing something has happened without you impacting on it in anyway, you can’t help but blame yourself for it? Even if it’s not necessarily a bad thing? Well holy shitballs man, after you have a baby it gets soo much worse. Well it has for me at least. I haveContinue reading “I plead guilty your Honour”

Who Am I?

Well…. time seems to have passed quicker than I would have liked. My kid is 5 months old. How the heck did that even happen? Like, what even is 2020? I’m convinced we’re all in a simulation and whoever is controlling it is just sitting there laughing at us. Ahhh 2020, you’re almost over. ButContinue reading “Who Am I?”

I don’t know how you guys do it

This is for all the single mums, single dads, wives, husbands and partners of FIFO/DIDO workers and those in the defence force. I honestly don’t know how you do this all the time. And by this, I mean look at a small child or god forbid children. Tristan went away a couple of weeks agoContinue reading “I don’t know how you guys do it”

Dude, where’s my solidarity?

Rant ahead. I apologise in advance for this but I am just shocked and appalled by people’s lack of better judgement. Also, this post will lack the comical GIFs I usually post. Bloody husband is away for uni this week and took my computer with him. Damn him. So, yesterday I went to my nearestContinue reading “Dude, where’s my solidarity?”

Side effects of having a baby

While I was pregnant, a lot of my Momma friends (and people that haven’t had kids for that matter) warned me about things that would happen after I had a baby. BUT. There were also a LOT of things that I wasn’t actually prepared for despite being warned. Here’s a list of the things thatContinue reading “Side effects of having a baby”

People will always tell you HOW to be pregnant

One thing you hear constantly when you’re pregnant is, “when I was pregnant….” Usually this is followed by some sort of horror story about the time they went into labour in the middle of Woolworths and someone slipped on their broken waters. People need to remember that every pregnancy is different and just because youContinue reading “People will always tell you HOW to be pregnant”